Share Your World – 2016 Week 51 – Favorite Holiday Edition

Christmas presents

Thanks to Cee for this week’s challenge, Share Your World – 2016 Week 51 – Favorite Holiday Edition.


What is your favorite holiday?

Age has made me appreciate every day instead of favoring some days over others. However, I guess I can say that I now enjoy Christmas Eve a whole lot since we’ve moved to Tacoma and can spend the evening with our daughter. For many years she lived in Washington state while we lived in St. Louis, but since we’ve retired to Tacoma we get to see her often, especially on Christmas Eve/Day.

What types of food is associated with your holiday?

We usually have roast beef, although occasionally we’ll go with lamb or turkey. Confession: we usually get the food from Trader Joe’s and only have to heat it up. But right now our daughter is in the kitchen using the food processor to make cranberry relish. Later she will be making mashed potatoes with purple (my favorite color) potatoes. Life is good.

Do you travel for your holiday?

Nope. We have it right in my living room.

Is it a religious or spiritual holiday?

Only in the sense that celebration of love and family is spiritual.

Is there a gift exchange?

Oh yes.

How long does the celebration last?

About 24 hours, from Christmas Eve afternoon to Christmas Day afternoon.

Optional Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

Each and every new day.


© 2016 by Mary Daniels Brown

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